Your DIY spray painting act shouldn't be a disappointment. Therefore, practice multiple times on other used or scrap plastic items before moving to the real thing. Dig through your storage shed for articles like frames, wall hangings, and figurines. Or, you may also try your hand at the inconspicuous portions of the actual plastic that's going to get treated. Such trials will also help determine whether you're playing with the right paint color. Here are some other tips on spray painting your own car.

Getting Prepared

Isolate the plastic component from the vehicle to ensure thorough cleaning and painting, and also to prevent other areas of the car from getting accidentally stained. Moreover, the chances of running paint are much less when the part is placed upon a flat surface.

Be extra cautious when dismantling the component, for a careless approach can lead the part rubbing against concrete and incurring unnecessary dents and marks.

And, if you are working within a garage, keep the doors and windows open and ensure proper ventilation so that you aren't exposed to the fumes; a mask cover is highly recommended.

Plastic Sandpaper

Don't use regular sandpaper, as plastics don't respond to them as well as metals do. The act of abrasion can in fact gunk up the area, thereby requiring multiple layers of primer paint to cover up the mess.

Instead use less aggressive, plastic sandpaper before spraying the primer coat. And, make certain the surface is thoroughly cleaned before sanding, for minute grime and granules can cause ungainly scrapes and scratches on the plastic. Normal eyesight doesn't catch these miniscule dust particles; therefore, run your fingers over the part to detect presence.

Post sanding, use methylated spirit to clear oil and dust. It's not too rough on plastics, unlike paint thinners.

Priming Tips

Priming is preparing the base upon which the color paint is sprayed upon. It ensures the paint doesn't flake off the plastic and adheres well to the surface.

Ensure the primer paint tin is at room temperature. A cold container can be a pain during usage as such containers lack necessary pressure to release paint in their original texture and consistency.

Once the primer paint is applied, leave the tinted area to dry in a dust- and grime-free environment. It may take a couple of days to dry completely. To check results, sniff the plastic. If it still gives out paint odor, you probably need to give it more time to dry.

Wet Sanding

To ensure a smoother primer finish, wet sand the part after the primer drying stage. It's basically dunking sandpaper into warm, soapy water for 10-15 minutes and gently rubbing the damp paper over the area in a single direction.

The sandpaper grit rating varies with its purpose. Higher numbers are coarser and more abrasive; lower grit figures tend to be lenient on the surface. For instance, 350 grit sandpaper is less scratchy than a 650 grit paper.

The wet sanding may lead to a smooth, but dull finish, which is actually the requirement and not a negative effect.

Ultimately, the color paint will help restore the sheen. If you are still not happy with the shine, use car wax for the necessary glimmer. For professional assistance you can contact companies like B Watts Panel & Paint Repairs.
