Working for a transport company is a demanding and challenging job. You need to sit behind the wheel for many hours, oversee cargo loaded and unloaded from the truck, and deal with clients from different places. For you to do this, you need to develop a good work ethic that will enable you to work well with other people on and off the road. The driving school you attended might have equipped you with the skills you need to drive a truck and navigate different places, but you need more than that in this line of work. If you are looking to work as a driver in a transport company, here are a few essential skills you should have besides your ability to sit behind the wheel and drive the truck around:   


Staying organised is elemental for a truck driver. Besides the license you are required to carry on every trip, there may be more paperwork for the cargo you are carrying. When dealing with large freight, authorities have to inspect and certify that it is fit to be transported in a certain manner that will not endanger the other road users. In most cases you will be required to provide the inspection and certification papers at various traffic checkpoints. For each delivery trip you make, ensure that the papers are in order. Do not mix them with up with the paperwork used in previous deliveries or the forthcoming ones. Staying organised will help you avoid such incidences and reduce the possibility of delays.


As a driver, working with other people is inevitable. You need to have good interpersonal relationship skills to help you understand and manage any misunderstanding that you may have with the clients. You should always be professional when dealing with them. You should be firm and assertive but not disrespectful. Do not use abusive language when talking to clients, even in cases where they have been stubborn. In brief, you should be prepared to talk to people with different communication tendencies while keeping your cool and remaining polite throughout.


For the sake of your reputation and that of your employer, avoid lying to clients at any time. Regardless of the circumstances, you are in, tell the truth about any expected delays. If possible, tell them the exact duration of the delay and what time they should expect you to arrive. Moreover, you should also be open about the cause of the delay. Don't say you are held up in a traffic snarl up yet the truck has a mechanical breakdown. It could take longer than you expect and land you in more trouble.
